Toledo Counseling Practice The Willow Center

Coping Strategies: Healthy Versus Unhealthy

Amanda Guitteau-WeinerWillow Wisdom

When an individual encounters the feeling of stress or experiences difficulties with their emotions, it can be essential that they utilize a coping mechanism to help counteract it. A coping mechanism (or a coping skill) is a technique many counselors/therapists …

Toledo Counseling Practice The Willow Center

Say “YES” to Saying “NO”

Samantha ByrneWillow Wisdom

One of the most painfully inauthentic ways we show up in our lives sometimes is saying “yes” when we mean “no,” and saying “no” when we mean “hell yes.” -Brene Brown   Achieving and maintaining balance in one’s life is …

Toledo Counseling Practice The Willow Center

Put On Your Rose Colored Glasses

Erin Wiley, MA, LPCCWillow Wisdom

Yes Norman, there is power in positive thinking! Not only that, positivity begets positivity and negativity begets negativity.  You can spiral your mood up to the sun or down to the depths of darkness. There is power in thinking and …

Toledo Counseling Practice The Willow Center

5 Apps to Support Your Mental Health

Kate Bailin, MA, LPC, LSCWillow Wisdom

All too often, we hear about the negative effects of too much screen time on our health and well-being.  However, with moderation, there are many apps that can help monitor and support our mental health. After all, there seems to …

The Willow Center Toledo Counseling Center

Winning Arguments With Your Partner

Lisa Foster, LPCC-S, ATRWillow Wisdom

It will probably come as no surprise that most of the couples I see for counseling struggle with how to handle conflict in a healthy way. Many engage in word warfare, attacking and defending against criticism and blame, until each …

Dealing with a loved one with Mental Illness

Liza Simrell, LPCC-SWillow Wisdom

Is there someone in your life who you love and care about going through a mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar, PTSD, etc)? Does it feel like you are living it with them? Are you lost on how to approach/cope with …

Change—It’s Not For Sissies

Ellen Larabee, LPCCWillow Wisdom

I’ve changed. “But you’re old!” I hear you say.  To which I say, “I haven’t stopped learning or interacting with people and as long as I am capable of it, I will continue to do so and continue to change.”  …

marriage counseling

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Erin Wiley, MA, LPCCWillow Wisdom

Romeo and Juliet, Ellen and Portia, Beyonce’ and Jay-Z, Ken and Barbie, Dick and Jane, Superman and Lois Lane and most of the couples that come to counseling say love has just about everything to do with their motivation to …